Ciao a tutti! Stiamo cercando un/una partecipante italiano per un progetto di volontariato internazionale (ex SVE, ora Solidarity Corps).

Il progetto si svolge in Grecia (Nea Moudania, vicino a Salonicco… sì, sul mare!) presso il nostro ottimo partner You in Europe.

Tutto è gratuito per il volontario: viene fornita una stanza singola in alloggio condiviso e un pocket money mensile. Anche i biglietti di viaggio vengono rimborsati!

Tutte le info specifiche sono nell’infopack!

Per candidarsi inviare CV e lettera motivazionale in Inglese a info@associazionesemifaenza.com

Volunteers’ profile

We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic volunteers, able to get involved in cooperation and share their experiences and ideas, aged 18-30 years old, which will be chosen according to their motivational criteria, willingness to work in a team as well as commitment and interest to work with youth, elders, kids and people with mental disabilities. We will host four young people from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Poland who really want to live as a volunteer, to learn from their experience and to develop personal and professional skills.

The project

The activities that required to work the volunteers are divided into categories – working packages, which are implemented in cooperation with other local actors:

WP 1: Sports – creative activities for children aged 4-7 years with a sports orientation (sports through games)

WP 2: Social offer, which is divided into:

– Reception and classification of product offerings and distribution to socially vulnerable groups

– Participation in charitable activities (cooking for persons, events to collect food, clothes and sponsorships)

– Collection of vegetables sponsorships from local street market producers and their disposal in needy

WP 3: Solidarity between generations, which includes creative and social integration of the elderly through actions such as:

• Board games and memory games

• Gardening

• Dance

• Construction and crafts

• Trips

• Cooking

• Intercultural activities (presentation of the culture of each country)

• Intergenerational dialogue and promote values ​​such as exercise and a healthy diet

• Learning new technologies (computers, mobile phones, etc.)

WP 4: Cultural activities with participation in organizing local cultural events, recording and promotion of the region’s cultural heritage, etc.

WP 5: Information for young people – youth activities, including:

– Upgrading of the website and view our organization through internet / posters / social media etc.

– Promotion of the Erasmus + program and the idea of volunteering in the local community (through personal videos, presentations to schools and tuition and information events)

– Participation in the organization of Youth Exchanges and Seminars organization, the promotion and dissemination of these

– Open English lessons or the mother tongue of volunteers

– Open seminars depending on the interests of the volunteer (handicrafts, visual arts, new technologies, etc.)

Volunteers will work for maximum 38 hours per week, which include all the activities that described before and also gives space for implementing their own initiative. Two days as day off will be provided but the exact days will be agreed according to the needs of the project. Also, the exact time of holidays (apart from the official holidays) will be arranged after discussion with the hosting organization

WP.6 In the context of the Complementary Activities as we have planned to create an Information center in the capital of the municipality Nea Moudania, our volunteers will be called to plan, organize, prepare, implement, exploit (with us) and evaluate a research expressed to the local youngsters where they will invited to express their needs, priorities, and proposals for a better well-being level.